


I was speaking to one of my students today. She is bored by everything. Nothing in this life interests her. Nothing.

Somehow, when I am talking one-on-one with students, I become a master of metaphor. For instance, you've heard of rose-colored glasses. I accused this girl of wearing boring glasses.

She said she is slow.

I said that doesn't matter because it isn't who gets around the track quickest, it's who does it right. That's crap of course, but that's the sort of genius idea my brain and I can come up with on short notice.

Just think! If I keep doing this for forty years, I could make a best-selling $18 chapbook! I could call it....Life Is High School, High School Is Life: Observations of a high school English teacher.

Oh yes. I should hold off on any dreams of literati until I put out that bad boy.


  1. Ooh. You're lucky. You get to be the Man on the Hill; the Sage; the O! Wise One. Sigh. Sometimes I miss those days. But freshman aren't usually looking for wisdom; they're looking for you to writer their paper for them so it's exactly what you want and they can then get an A. And I think the two students who did come to me for my sage advice ended up fairly screwed up, so it's probably good that I don't do that kind of thing anymore.

    I like the boring glasses. I think they give them out for free in the mall.

  2. .

    I think it's time we legislate against boring glasses.

  3. I've recently read a book about adolescent girls called Reviving Ophelia. The author is a clinical psychologist who works primarily with teen girls and it's about her experiences with them. It might be an interesting read for a high school teacher.

    Not to say that some people aren't just plain old boring, though.

  4. .

    That Ophelia book again....

    Eventually everyone will have read that book except me (along with Lord of the Flies, Bridges Over Madison County, and Olivia) and then won't I feel dumb!

  5. READ THE BOOK! I have never heard of it, but it's a good point. Can you imagine having that kind of knowlege of these moody,bored, beings we call teenage girls?? now that's POWER!
