One day till
Actually, no. It's because I finished To Kill a Mockingbird this afternoon.
Sorry for the confusion.
Actually, no. It's because I finished To Kill a Mockingbird this afternoon.
Sorry for the confusion.
The Final Svithe of October 2007
The Big O's gave his first talk in Primary today, and it turned out much better than the first time he presented there. This is the original audio, recreated with actors.
The Big O's gave his first talk in Primary today, and it turned out much better than the first time he presented there. This is the original audio, recreated with actors.
Check out what I caught last weekend!
So I finally succeeded this weekend and bagged me a leviathan. This is a photo I got of it before I started shooting. Anyway, the point is, it's more meat than we need--or will fit in our freezer. If anyone wants some, just leave a comment and I'll hire a refrigerated boxcar to get it to you.
Also: Got any good recipes?

So I finally succeeded this weekend and bagged me a leviathan. This is a photo I got of it before I started shooting. Anyway, the point is, it's more meat than we need--or will fit in our freezer. If anyone wants some, just leave a comment and I'll hire a refrigerated boxcar to get it to you.
Also: Got any good recipes?
The Manly Meme

An acquaintance of mine recently created a baby-new meme from a Popular Mechanics
But real men don't tag. So only do this yourself if you think you're man enough. Or if you have something to prove.
So. A real man should be able to:
- 1. Patch a radiator hose
- Um. Is it like fixing a bike tube?
2. Protect your computer
- From ninjas? I'm there.
3. Rescue a boater who has capsized
- Depends. Are there sharks? What about walruses?
4. Frame a wall
- Depends. Embezzlement, yes. But I draw the line at capital crimes.
5. Retouch digital photos
- Within reason, yes. Note the example above.
6. Back up a trailer
- Now that I finally have a DVD-R drive, yes.
7. Build a campfire
- Yes. Of course. I totally got my pyro merit badge. I can also build a house fire if you need any help.
8. Fix a dead outlet
- Who do you think I am, Ned? Seriously though, my father-in-law has shown me how to do this like a zillion times and I still can't. Mostly, I think, because I am certain I will die.
9. Navigate with a map and compass
- That's cute.
10. Use a torque wrench
- Is that those strappy things?
11. Sharpen a knife
- Only on the jawbone of an ass.
12. Perform CPR
- With or without showgirls?
I've never actually had to, but I'm sure whoever gets to be my guinea pig will die. So to answer the question, I need to know if the CPRee needs to survive for it to count.
13. Fillet a fish
- Theoretically. Ask when the last time I went fishing was.
14. Maneuver a car out of a skid
- Done it many times. Take that!
15. Get a car unstuck
- From what? Time? Cause Billy takes care of that for me.
16. Back up data
- Yes. Should do it more frequently though....
17. Paint a room
- Alas, yes.
18. Mix concrete
- Yes. But don't tell Lady Steed.
19. Clean a bolt-action rifle
- Um. No thank you. Guns make me nervous. Sort of like electricity.
20. Change oil and filter
- Yes! In fact, it's been ages since we paid for an oil change--not since moving here at least.
Although.... Nevermind. Just ask my dad. He'll tell you. I don't want to go into it.
21. Hook up an HDTV
- I wish I had opportunity to try....
22. Bleed brakes
- What. Mechanics don't believe in germ theory?
23. Paddle a canoe
- I actually used to be awesome at this. But I haven't tried in, ah, fifteen years?
24. Fix a bike flat
- Used to do it all the time.
25. Extend your wireless network
- "Extend"? Let's start with "start".
Phew. It's a good thing we have the Big O around. At the very least, he'll be able to mow the lawn. And knock our old oil filters out of the ballpark with his totally awesome batting skills.
This svithe is a tree
Plant a little seed
Watch it growatch it growatch it grow
Now it's a tree
This svithe is a tree
Watch it blow in the breeze
This svithe is a tree
last week's svithe
Plant a little seed
Watch it growatch it growatch it grow
Now it's a tree
This svithe is a tree
Watch it blow in the breeze
This svithe is a tree
- Trees make for fun parables:
King Tree
Nation Tree
Wisdom Tree
Faith Tree
Hubris Tree
Janus Tree
Life Tree
last week's svithe
th'Fourteenth Five Books of 2007

070) Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too
by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, finished October 15
069) Whirligig
by Paul Fleischman, finished October 15
068) Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in The Mystery of the Silver Spider
by Robert Arthur, finished October 12
067) Characters and Viewpoint
by Orson Scott Card, finished October 12
066) Hybrids
by Robert J. Sawyer, finished October 6
065) How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy
by Orson Scott Card, finished October 1
064) Downy Duck Grows Up
by Adda Mai Sharp and Epsie Young, finished September 30
063) Humans
by Robert J. Sawyer, finished September 28
062) Hominids
by Robert J. Sawyer, finished September 23
061) Making Comics
by Scott McCloud, finished August 20
060) Tales of the Black Widowers
by Isaac Asimov, finished September 14
059) The Pearl
by John Steinbeck, finished September 11 and again on September 12
058) The Dog Is Not a Toy: House Rule #4
by Darby Conley, finished September 3
057) Brother Brigham
by D. Michael Martindale, finished August 29
056) The Foundation Trilogy: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation
by Isaac Asimov, finished August 27
055) Ode To Kirihito
by Osamu Tezuka, finished August 20
054) Polygamy Was Better Than Monotony
by Paul Bailey, finished August 10
053) Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein, finished August 7
052) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
by J. K. Rowling, finished July 24
051) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
by J. K. Rowling, finished July 21
050) The Ruins
by Scott Smith, finished July 13
049) Favorite Stories
by Margret Rey, illustrated by H.A. Rey, finished July 12
048) Criss Cross
by Lynne Rae Perkins, finished July 2
047) Flight Volume Three
edited by Kazu Kibuishi, finished June 27
046) Nobody Is Perfick
by Bernard Waber, finished June 14
045) First Paragraphs: Inspired Openings for Writers and Readers
by Donald Newlove, finished June 12
044) The Universe in a Nutshell
by Stephen Hawking, finished June 11
043) Dune
by Frank Herbert, finished June 9
042) The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels
by Thomas Cahill, finished June 8
041) The Roald Dahl Omnibus
by Roald Dahl, finished June 6
040) Troll: A Love Story
by Johanna Sinisalo, finished May 31
039) The End
by Lemony Snicket, finished May 23
038) The Complete Peanuts 1961-1962
by Charles M. Schultz, finished May 22
037) The Penultimate Peril
by Lemony Snicket, finished May 21
036) The Grim Grotto
by Lemony Snicket, finished May 18
035) The Eyre Affair
by Jasper Fforde, finished May 15
034) Neverwhere
by Neil Gaiman, finished May 14
033) Chip Kidd: Book One: Work: 1986-2006
by Chip Kidd, finished May 9
032) Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontƫ, finished May 7
031) The Complete Peanuts 1959-1960
by Charles M. Schulz, finished April 25
030) Devils & Demons
edited by Marvin Kaye, finished April 23
029) Talk Talk Talk: Decoding the Mysteries of Speech
by Jay Ingram, finished April 23
028) Einstein's Dreams
by Alan Lightman, finished April 20
027) The Long Chalkboard: and Other Stories
by Jennifer Allen and illustrated by Jules Feiffer, finished April 19
026) Babbitt
by Sinclair Lewis, finished April 19
025) Frank
by Jim Woodring, finished April 12
024) The Complete Concrete
by Paul Chadwick, finished April 3
023) The Rumpelstiltskin Problem
by Vivian Vande Velde, finished March 30
022) Bridge to Terabithia
by Katherine Paterson, finished March 28
021) Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
by Frank Miller et al, finished March 23
020) A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
by Dave Eggers, finished March 16
019) Batman: Gothic
by Grant Morrison et al, finished March 13
018) Wild at Heart
by John Eldredge, finished March 7
017) Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
by Megan McDonald, finished March 7
016) 50 Professional Scenes for Student Actors: A Collection of Short 2 Person Scenes
by Garry Michael Kluger, finished March 6
015) Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair
by Pablo Neruda, finished March 5
014) Frindle
by Andrew Clements, finished March 1
013) Brain Wave
by Poul Anderson, finished February 27
012) The Best American Comics 2006
edited by Harvey Pekar and Anne Elizabeth Moore, finished February 26
011) Everything Is Illuminated
by Jonathan Safran Foer, finished February 15
010) The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ edited by Mormon and Moroni, finished February 7
009) Lisey's Story
by Stephen King, finished February 1
008) The Maltese Falcon
by Dashiell Hammett, finished January 26
007) Empire
by Orson Scott Card, finished January 24
006) Stargirl
by Jerry Spinelli, finished January 22
005) Vile Bodies
by Evelyn Waugh, finished January 17
004) Superman Adventures Vol. 1: Up, Up and Away!
by Mark Millar, finished January 16
003) A Walk in the Woods
by Bill Bryson, finished January 12
002) Understanding Comics
by Scott McCloud, finished January 11
001) GalƔpagos
by Kurt Vonnegut, finished January 10
The Second Five (006 - 010)
The Third Five (011 - 015)
The Fourth Five (016 - 020)
The Fifth Five (021 - 025)
The Sixth Five (026 - 030)
The Seventh Five (031 - 035)
The Eighth Five (036 - 040)
The Ninth Five (041 - 045)
The Tenth Five (046 - 050)
The Eleventh Five (051 - 055)
The Twelfth Five (056 - 060)
The Thirteenth Five (061 - 065)
070) Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too
- Read the title again. Okay, that's what the books about. Although it also hits on how to repair relationships between adult siblings. It a good book, an easy read, filled with impressive stories and cartoons. I'm putting it on Lady Steed's side of the bed. And since, unlike the one she gave me
069) Whirligig
- Boy has bad day. Drunk. Drives. Decides to kill self. Kills girl instead. Set off to perform penance, building whirligigs in each corner of the country.
The book has a clever format and so, not surprisingly, is at times overwrote. And the protagonist is absolutely unlikable as the book begins. But somehow Fleishman pulls it off and writes a good book. Not sure what sort of teenager I would recommend it to, but I would dissuade none.
month and a half
068) Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in The Mystery of the Silver Spider
- Allegedly, one should begin life reading the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew
067) Characters and Viewpoint
- This also was borrowed from En-her-gy Girl and it's a book worth buying. Card has thought about the writing of fiction on a level that embarrasses me. But at least I can study what he has to say and get some of the fruit from all that thought he's expended.
And reading the book, in addition to making salient points and teaching me stuff, also makes me feel good (eg, "I'm a genius! I totally rock that!") and inadequate (eg, "Crap! I do that all the time!").
C'est la writing vie.
066) Hybrids
- So this was the third and last of the Neanderthal Parallax trilogy and I hated it. I really liked the first one
....previously in 2007....
065) How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy
064) Downy Duck Grows Up
063) Humans
062) Hominids
061) Making Comics
060) Tales of the Black Widowers
059) The Pearl
058) The Dog Is Not a Toy: House Rule #4
057) Brother Brigham
056) The Foundation Trilogy: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation
055) Ode To Kirihito
054) Polygamy Was Better Than Monotony
053) Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
052) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
051) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
050) The Ruins
049) Favorite Stories
048) Criss Cross
047) Flight Volume Three
046) Nobody Is Perfick
045) First Paragraphs: Inspired Openings for Writers and Readers
044) The Universe in a Nutshell
043) Dune
042) The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels
041) The Roald Dahl Omnibus
040) Troll: A Love Story
039) The End
038) The Complete Peanuts 1961-1962
037) The Penultimate Peril
036) The Grim Grotto
035) The Eyre Affair
034) Neverwhere
033) Chip Kidd: Book One: Work: 1986-2006
032) Jane Eyre
031) The Complete Peanuts 1959-1960
030) Devils & Demons
029) Talk Talk Talk: Decoding the Mysteries of Speech
028) Einstein's Dreams
027) The Long Chalkboard: and Other Stories
026) Babbitt
025) Frank
024) The Complete Concrete
023) The Rumpelstiltskin Problem
022) Bridge to Terabithia
021) Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
020) A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
019) Batman: Gothic
018) Wild at Heart
017) Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
016) 50 Professional Scenes for Student Actors: A Collection of Short 2 Person Scenes
015) Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair
014) Frindle
013) Brain Wave
012) The Best American Comics 2006
011) Everything Is Illuminated
010) The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ edited by Mormon and Moroni, finished February 7
009) Lisey's Story
008) The Maltese Falcon
007) Empire
006) Stargirl
005) Vile Bodies
004) Superman Adventures Vol. 1: Up, Up and Away!
003) A Walk in the Woods
002) Understanding Comics
001) GalƔpagos
- Read about
The Second Five (006 - 010)
The Third Five (011 - 015)
The Fourth Five (016 - 020)
The Fifth Five (021 - 025)
The Sixth Five (026 - 030)
The Seventh Five (031 - 035)
The Eighth Five (036 - 040)
The Ninth Five (041 - 045)
The Tenth Five (046 - 050)
The Eleventh Five (051 - 055)
The Twelfth Five (056 - 060)
The Thirteenth Five (061 - 065)
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