40) Troll: A Love Story
- So! 100 years ago, Finnish scientists discovered that trolls, Felipithecus trollius, was a real animal. In 2000, young Finnish photographer Mikael "Angel" Hartikainen (one of the easier names to pronounce in the book) finds an injured cub of this exceedingly rare animal and brings it into his apartment. His new pet swiftly becomes his life. With a bit of unsolicited help from the Filipino mail-order bride downstairs and slept-for help from ex-lover/veterinarian Dr. Spiderman, he nurses the beast back to health. ¶ Pessi (the troll) is a very bright animal and his relationship with Angel is more complicated than Angel will admit--perhaps because Angel is too busy sleeping with someone between every chapter. Earlier in this book I was planning to complain about the tedium of watching slut Angel sleep with every guy he bumps into and though it was tedious, it wasn't just for fun--it served a purpose. And since the nasty generally happened off-page, I don't suppose I'll rail on and on about that now. ¶ The Troll was published as Not Before Sundown in Britain in 2003, and as Ennen Päivänlaskua Ei Voi in 2000 for the Finns. The translation is competent and the way the book is laid forth--with excerpts from Finnish legend and literature, and faux scientific articles--is great and used perfectly: enough info to sense direction, not so much the ending is revealed. ¶ Conclusion: love the concept, love the execution. The tension and tragedy is so heavy at the end it's hard to turn the pages. But it is no perfect and cannot be all that highly recommended. ¶ The cover, however, is gorgeous. Granted, it does give away an important plotpoint, but you would probably have anticipated it anyway.
five-plus weeks
39) The End
- I am not dissatisfied. I am not quite sure how I feel, but one note of it is satisfaction. I'm impressed with how a silly melodrama became rich with moral complexity and how a series of literary gags added up to more than their whole, a phrase here meaning that the clever devices used by the author were not just for fun but created something much greater. I've never seen anything like this and now I'm anxious to meet Adverbs
three days
38) The Complete Peanuts 1961-1962
- After what I said last time, I suppose it may be surprising to have this book pop up so quickly, but I was swept away by it and loved every minute, from the appearance of Frieda to the appearance of Frieda's cat. In fact, I really finished it a few days ago--all I had left was the author bio...which I've already read five times, after all. ¶ If I had to make any caveat re: how much I love love love these books, I suppose it would be their sometimes odd choice for intro writers. I mean, in this set
at most a week under a month
37) The Penultimate Peril
- With this volume, A Series of Unfortunate Events
seven-plus hours
36) The Grim Grotto
- About, oh, six months ago, I read books the sixth through the tenth all in one fell swoop and then I required a break. But now I felt like setting sail with Snicket once more. Or setting submarine, rather, because in this volume I met submarines, seacave shrooms, a fearsome underwater thing, and none other than Kit Snicket. Yikes!
two days
035) The Eyre Affair
034) Neverwhere
033) Chip Kidd: Book One: Work: 1986-2006
032) Jane Eyre
031) The Complete Peanuts 1959-1960
030) Devils & Demons
029) Talk Talk Talk: Decoding the Mysteries of Speech
028) Einstein's Dreams
027) The Long Chalkboard: and Other Stories
026) Babbitt
025) Frank
024) The Complete Concrete
023) The Rumpelstiltskin Problem
022) Bridge to Terabithia
021) Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
020) A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
019) Batman: Gothic
018) Wild at Heart
017) Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
016) 50 Professional Scenes for Student Actors: A Collection of Short 2 Person Scenes
015) Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair
014) Frindle
013) Brain Wave
012) The Best American Comics 2006
011) Everything Is Illuminated
010) The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ edited by Mormon and Moroni, finished February 7
009) Lisey's Story
008) The Maltese Falcon
007) Empire
006) Stargirl
005) Vile Bodies
004) Superman Adventures Vol. 1: Up, Up and Away!
003) A Walk in the Woods
002) Understanding Comics
001) Galápagos