
Pleats et cetera


I purchased three pairs of pants a couple weeks ago, one with pleats in deliberate contradiction to the strict instructions I received from Lady Steed.

Pleats, she says, make the slightest bulge look like burgeoning fat. Thankfully, I haven't the slightest bulge being an emaciated person, but she still does not approve.

It seems to me those vertical lines should have a thinning effect but goodness knows I'm not the designer in the family. Or the one with recognizable taste. Oh, I have taste! But most people seem unable to recognize it.

I also purchased reading glasses a couple weeks ago. Not that I need reading glasses, but I recently heard that a study where researchers gave reading children reading glasses resulted in a marked decrease in the development of myopia.

I am already myopic, but anything to keep it from getting worse.

Besides, these reading glasses are wicka cool.


  1. Hah! Sorry, friend, but I update rather rarely. Once a week at best. 'Twas nearly a month between my last two.

  2. I'm going to have to side with Lady Steed here. Pleats don't look good on anybody. At all. Vertical lines may have a thinning effect, but only if they're part of the pattern. If said lines are due to pleatage, they just bulge out, which defeats the purpose of thinning the look since it instead has the effect of making the wearer look, well, hippy.

    But props for the wicka cool reading glasses.

  3. Between my sister and I we finally convinced Master Fob to get some nice pants that don't have pleats. He still doesn't quite believe me, but I am not allowing pleats ever again.

  4. .

    When did this vast, wingfree conspiracy against pleats begin?

  5. I wouldn't call it a conspiracy so much as the Dawn of a New Age of Enlightenment.


    TO th: I TOLD YOU SO!!!

  7. Yah, Th., your pleated pants, though I haven't seen them, are disgusting. They shouldn't be worn. And, because everyone judges on clothing, they'll make you lose major credibility among your students. No one wants to become like a man who wears pleated pants.

  8. Ahem. I have not said a single word to indicate that I do not believe Foxy's belief that pleats are evil. We bought one pair of pants (pleatless), which I like quite a bit, but I'm not about to wear them every single day. The pleated pants I do own and wear due to wardrobe limitations were bought several years ago, when pleats were still fashionable, thank you very much.

  9. .

    Wow, either I have never been so wrong or else the whole world is mad....

    Sadly, there is no way to tell between the two.

  10. .

    I knew I liked turtles.

  11. I distrust turtles.

    Have you ever heard a turtle quack?

  12. Sorry, but pleats were already out of style several years ago. Four years ago I dated a guy whose older New Jersey golfer brothers kept sending him the stuff their wives wouldn't let them wear anymore, like 16 pairs of pleated kakhi pants. One of the best nights of our relationship was when I got to go through his closet and get rid of piles and piles of tacky hideousness.

    And no, I'm not shallow. I was just looking out for him.

  13. .

    When I wear my pleated pants I feel like a young hotshot pilot or Katy Hepburn. That must count for something, mustn't it?

  14. Perhaps it counts for something, but I'm not sure you really want it to. (Initially, I expected to be directed to a link of Tom Cruise in Top Gun with the young hotchot pilot, in which case I was going to say you don't ever want to feel like that. Unless you want to one day go a wee bit loopy and jump up and down on Oprah's couch and knock up your far-too-young-for-you girlfriend/fiancee.

  15. .

    Oh, is she knocked up?
