
An acrostic poem for your average Wednesday


When the ancient
elephants cry
down at us for
new hope and
easier access to credit lines (
same as their venerated ancestors
depended upon
all those
years ago)

We will have to
effect the
dangerous attitude
necessary to drive their
enormous bulks from our monetary
sanctuaries ---
depend upon it!
and manage
yourself well, to win the battle for our children's children's children.


  1. .

    Good thing he didn't win the presidency --- this could be painted as a flipflop. But I think he's right on most if not all counts.

    I think Obama should bring Romney into his Cabinet, but given that unlikeliness, perhaps it's time for Detroit to tap another Romney.

  2. I'm seriously fit to be tied. I was wholly against the 700 . . . sorry, 850 trillion dollar bailout. Do not think I feel any better about doing something of the same for the auto industry.

    I would like someone to tell me, what is so wrong with bankruptcy?

    Wait, you don't have to. Pensioners and all those people being paid large sums to do nothing would lose their cushion. Imagine having to pay more for steel than they do for their retirees' health care. I bet they could make a profit then.

  3. .

    I keep trying to tell my union* that our current lifetime health benefits are gonna kill us someday, but school districts don't offer stock options.

    * Actually, I don't. I know what's best for my kneecaps.

  4. I know what's best for my kneecaps.

    One of the reasons why I didn't finish my degree in education after my stint with student teaching.

    High school English? No problem.

    Union? Problem.

  5. I love the imagery of the elephants, but I hear it from the donkeys, too. :)

    I'm glad I live in a right-to-work state. At my job, unions are generally either a laughing stock or a focus of angst. Not that they're inherently bad. It's the high-pay, low-work situation in my industry that gets at people here. Having never been in nor solicited by a union, I have little basis for judgment.

    My brother (who works for NPR in D.C.) had a one union guy offer him a job after he amassed documents and proved what the rep didn't know: that he was not legally obligated to join. He turned the job down, and was harassed for several months by everyone else, but I think he also liberated a few...

  6. Free money for companies!
    Really, it's free!
    It will not hurt you,
    Donkeys and elephants
    Yes, they on this they agree.

    Financing bailouts
    Really can't be too hard
    If the people will pay
    Detroit to make cars
    And then buy those cars--
    Yahoo!--Americans are cards!

  7. I like Mitt Romney a lot, but with the post-Prop 8 backlash against Mormons, I don't really see him being appointed to much of anything political. I saw him in an interview last night, and he was asked HYPOTHETICALLY whether he'd accept an appointment from the new president elect, and he said that that was just too hypothetical a question to seriously consider. When pressed to consider it, he said, "I cannot imagine a Barrak Obama appointing a Mitt Romney." (Or something like that.)

  8. .

    I hope he's surprised.

    And thank you, Anonymous!
