
Rethinking Utah


So last night Lady Steed and I were waxing nostalgic re: Utah because our current home has a decided paucity of truly excellent grocery stores (or even better than decent, for that matter).

However, this morning, driving to work, I heard on KSL that Salt Lake is expecting a high of twenty-seven today.

A high of twenty-seven.

Heh heh heh.

Anyway, today is the Big O's second birthday and tomorrow my students are taking finals I have not yet written, so this is all you're getting today.

Read it twice.


  1. He who is calm of heart does not feel the heat.

    But he who is full of passionate intensity feels the cold. He feels it keenly.

  2. Feliz cumpleanos (pretend there's a tilde there--otherwise it's gross) al bebe.

    PS--we're expecting several inches of snow here, so our high is a balmy 32 today. Be grateful you don't live in Indiana at this moment.

  3. Happy, happy birthday, children dear.
    Happy days will come to you all year.
    If I had one wish, then it would be
    A happy, happy birthday to you from me.

    And I'm not sure how I can bear the thought of only a single post from you today. So unfair.

  4. Happy Birthday to the Big O!!

    (Insert me singing 'Happy Birthday' in Opera)

  5. .

    In fairness, on my way to work this morning I noticed that the San Gabriels, which separate us from LA, are covered in snow.

    I have no idea where it came from.
