090) A Christmas Carol
- When the Big O overheard me telling his mother that there was no way we would finish this by Christmas at our current pace, he sat me down and we read over one hundred pages right then. Voila. Done by Christmas.
Then we drove over to see a big local nativity originally built by a Sikh man for his neighbors and this year sponsored by the Soroptimists. As we drove we listened to Jonathon Winters perform A Christmas Carol on NPR. I like Mr Winters, but, much like these silly five-day events like Duel and Clash of the Choirs, it just didn't fly.
So! What I want is this: I want Peter Jackson to make a five-hour, five-day Christmas Carol with Ian McKellan as Scrooge. Tell me that would be awesome. One day for each stave. It would be the best thing ever.
Anyway. The book. It's good. Still good. I think I smell a holiday tradition.
The copy I bought for this year's reading
It was much more successful than when we read him Oliver Twist
two weeks
089) The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ edited by Mormon and Moroni, finished December 21
- Believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ.
And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good.
And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye—for Christ will show unto you, with power and great glory, that they are his words, at the last day; and you and I shall stand face to face before his bar; and ye shall know that I have been commanded of him to write these things, notwithstanding my weakness.
And I pray the Father in the name of Christ that many of us, if not all, may be saved in his kingdom at that great and last day.
ten months and two weeks
088) Wuthering Heights
- Started reading this like a brushfire, then I had to stop to read some other things for class. Which is a shame.
Wuthering Heights is a great example of how much our understanding and use of p-o-v has improved since the birth of the novel--almost all its faults are directly connected to trying to filter the tale through the faceless Mr. Lockwood. But the art of the novel was new then and Emily was creative and clever in her attempts to overcome the p-o-v issues she ran into.
Here are some topnotch words on the novel from Emily's sister Charlotte:
Whether it is right or advisable to create things like Heathcliff, I do not know: I scarcely think it is. But this I know; the writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master--something that at times strangely wills and works for itself. He may lay down rules and devise principles, and to rules and principles it will perhaps for years lie in subjection; and then, haply without any warning of revolt, there comes a time when it will no longer consent to 'harrow the vallies, or be bound with a band in the furrow'--when it 'laughs at the multitude of the city, and regards not the crying of the driver'--when, refusing absolutely to make ropes out of sea-sand any longer, it sets to work on statue-hewing, and you have a Pluto or a Jove, a Tisiphone or a Psyche, a Mermaid or a Madonna, as Fate and Inspiration direct. By the work grim or glorious, dread or divine, you have little choice left but quiescent adoption. As for you--the nominal artist--your share in it has been to work passively under dictates you neither delivered nor could question--that would not be uttered at your prayer, not suppressed nor changed at your caprice. If the result be attractive, the World will praise you, who little deserve praise; if it be repulsive, the same World will blame you, who almost as little deserve blame.
Wuthering Heights was hewn in a wild workshop, with simple tools, out of homely materials. The statuary found a granite block on a solitary moor: gazing thereon, he saw how from the crag might be elicited the head, savage, swart, sinister; a form moulded with at least one element of grandeur--power. He wrought with a rude chisel, and from no model but the vision of his meditations. With time and labour, the crag took human shape; and there it stands colossal, dark, and frowning, half statue, half rock: in the former sense, terrible and goblin-like; in the latter, almost beautiful, clothes it; and heath, with its blooming bells and balmy fragrance, grows faithfully close to the giant's foot.
two and a half months
087) The Faith of a Scientist
- First: note that this is a smaller version of the original book. The essays are unabridged, but there are fewer of them.
Second: note that Dr. Eyring probably attended church in my building, back when he was getting his PhD in Berkeley.
Third: note that I am glad this was a smaller version of the original book because it got to be a bit repetitive. It was good, I grant you, but, well, I get it.
Fourth: note that I read its little tiny pieces during my lunches.
Fifth: note that I checked this book out of the library belonging to the building noted above; note also that that library has lots of books I hope to eventually read (but no comics, alas).
Sixth: note that I recommend reading a couple of these essays but doubt you need to read them all in their entirety--just don't miss the moonmen.
Seventh: note that this book is ridiculously expensive and someone should reprint it. You Eyrings getting this message?
Eighth: note that this is the penultimate note.
Ninth: no more notes.
less than a month
086) Memos from Purgatory
- If you have ever heard me rail against Harlan Ellison then you will be rightly surprised to see this book here--I mean, I've been working on The Other Glass Teat
Well, it's in my class library, and I just happened to grab it to thumb through it and noticed on the back cover that it was about street gangs and, as I'm always being asked for more raw books, I thought I would see if there was any impressive violence in it. Next thing I knew I had read the last half of the book. Then the first half.
We own a goodly number of Ellison books and Lady Steed's always asking don't I hate that guy (yes) can we get rid of these books (no). Why? Half because if I ever do grad school I want to have the option of writing the anti-Ellison paper; half because many writers I respect are gaga over him and I can't figure out why.
A big part of what I hate about Ellison is how didactic his fiction is; he can't pick up a pen without preaching at me, and that drives me nuts.
Memos is autobiographical (and I believe him, as opposed to, say, Og Mandino
Stay in school, kids.
ps: a few days after writing the above, I realized that this book is just as lousy as all Ellison's stuff, for all its merits. Like, notable, how in the end he pulls a moral-to-the-story out of nowhere (he loves morals-to-the-story); he then plops it into a preface as well. this kind of sloppy nonsense (and abject moralizing) is what drives me crazy about him.)
three days
....previously in 2007....
085) Fragile Things
084) The Bat-Poet
083) Peter Pan
082) The Golden Compass
081) One Big Self: An Investigation
080) Tintin in the Land of the Soviets
079) Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball by Spencer W. Kimball, finished November 14
078) Abraxas And The Earthman
077) Gorgias
076) Bighead
075) Jack the Ripper: A Journal of the Whitechapel Murders 1888-1889
074) Summer of Love
073) The Borden Tragedy
072) To Kill a Mockingbird
071) Monster
070) Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too
069) Whirligig
068) Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in The Mystery of the Silver Spider
067) Characters and Viewpoint
066) Hybrids
065) How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy
064) Downy Duck Grows Up
063) Humans
062) Hominids
061) Making Comics
060) Tales of the Black Widowers
059) The Pearl
058) The Dog Is Not a Toy: House Rule #4
057) Brother Brigham
056) The Foundation Trilogy: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation
055) Ode To Kirihito
054) Polygamy Was Better Than Monotony
053) Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
052) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
051) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
050) The Ruins
049) Favorite Stories
048) Criss Cross
047) Flight Volume Three
046) Nobody Is Perfick
045) First Paragraphs: Inspired Openings for Writers and Readers
044) The Universe in a Nutshell
043) Dune
042) The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels
041) The Roald Dahl Omnibus
040) Troll: A Love Story
039) The End
038) The Complete Peanuts 1961-1962
037) The Penultimate Peril
036) The Grim Grotto
035) The Eyre Affair
034) Neverwhere
033) Chip Kidd: Book One: Work: 1986-2006
032) Jane Eyre
031) The Complete Peanuts 1959-1960
030) Devils & Demons
029) Talk Talk Talk: Decoding the Mysteries of Speech
028) Einstein's Dreams
027) The Long Chalkboard: and Other Stories
026) Babbitt
025) Frank
024) The Complete Concrete
023) The Rumpelstiltskin Problem
022) Bridge to Terabithia
021) Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
020) A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
019) Batman: Gothic
018) Wild at Heart
017) Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
016) 50 Professional Scenes for Student Actors: A Collection of Short 2 Person Scenes
015) Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair
014) Frindle
013) Brain Wave
012) The Best American Comics 2006
011) Everything Is Illuminated
010) The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ edited by Mormon and Moroni, finished February 7
009) Lisey's Story
008) The Maltese Falcon
007) Empire
006) Stargirl
005) Vile Bodies
004) Superman Adventures Vol. 1: Up, Up and Away!
003) A Walk in the Woods
002) Understanding Comics
001) Galápagos
- Read about
The Second Five (006 - 010)
The Third Five (011 - 015)
The Fourth Five (016 - 020)
The Fifth Five (021 - 025)
The Sixth Five (026 - 030)
The Seventh Five (031 - 035)
The Eighth Five (036 - 040)
The Ninth Five (041 - 045)
The Tenth Five (046 - 050)
The Eleventh Five (051 - 055)
The Twelfth Five (056 - 060)
The Thirteenth Five (061 - 065)
The Fourteenth Five (066 - 070)
The Fifteenth Five (071 - 075)
The Sixteenth Five (076 - 080)
The Seventeenth Five (081 - 085)
I am impressed that you read real books without pictures out loud to your child. And that he listens and follows along with the story. Is there some secret to that, or does our child just have ADD like I fear?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe he had any idea what the story was about. He gave no outward indication of listening and every indication of having completely forgotten I was even reading. But he wouldn't let me stop.
And I bought the copy I did because there were at most five spreads in the entire book that didn't have an illustration.
That movie sounds fantastic.
ReplyDeleteI know, right?
I think that's the same copy of Christmas Carol that my parents own. And they've never read it! How sad--but my almost 3-year-old nephew does like the pictures.
ReplyDeleteYou're totally not going to make it to 100. I double dare you.
ReplyDeleteI know.
It makes me sad.
Patrick Steward recorded a reading of A Christmas Carol a number of years ago that's fabulous. You should see if you can track it down on CD. (While you're waiting for Mr. Jackson to get on the ball, I mean.)