
Super Bowl Svithe (a metaphor)


So I just learned why football is so boring: on television, you only see about 11 minutes of the actual game (this is supposed to make it more interesting --- by adding a story --- but if that's so then the NFL would be fatally boring and lose fans one stadium-full at a time and I can't accept that).

On the theory that professional football is actually interesting in person, I'm going to make a metaphor about life.

Life = football in this metaphor and watching it on tv is sitting around watching life pass you by. Actually attending a game and being part of the cheering crowd makes you more involved and less bored and, one presumes, actually putting on a helmet and getting concussions will be less boring of all.

To svithify this, may I suggest that God put us on earth to play a game and not sit around and watch others play.

That is all.


last week's svithe


  1. and the kick is good!

    I like your metaphor

  2. .

    In football's defense (I saw the last half of the game --- the first bit of Superbowlery for me since Niners vee Bengals --- and it was a pretty exciting half, really), they have the best camera technology in the world. On a good tv, broadcast football is an art of color.

  3. So God put us here to play a game...

    Does Agricola count? Or is actual farming required for the attendant character development?

    What about the Settlers of Zarahemla (which, oddly enough, exists)?

    [Not Unrighteous] Dominion?

    [Scripture] Power Grid?

    Go [and Sin No More]?

    So many possibilities... :-)

  4. .

    Time to start writing query letters to Covenant, I think.
