
On trash and the joys of living in the future


Just a block away in the next county, the garbage collectors are on strike. So the city of Albany--a high-end place to live, with its excellent schools and manicured lawns--has not had its trash collected for a couple weeks. And these beautiful neighborhoods, which the Big O and I just walked through on our way to the park, stink like a well managed dump.

Poor Albany.


  1. eeewwww...

    Sounds like a good opportunity for someone else to start up a garbage collecting business and get rich.

  2. Gosh, I'm really sorry they have to stew in the rotting remains of excess.


    Do I sound bitter? Because I'm not.

  3. If I lived in Albany just a few blocks from you guys, I'd totally wheel my garbage across the county line and over to your place during the night. Of course, that wouldn't really help with the smell from the neighbors' trash unless I brought everyone's trash to your front yard...

  4. Dude, that stinks (no pun intended). Might not be long before the stench makes its way to your neck of the woods. I would stay inside.

  5. That reminds me of an episode of Monk. Gross.

  6. So what's the "living in the future" part refer to?

  7. .

    We do live in the future--trash taken away from our homes on a weekly basis? Amazing!

    "It'll never happen; don't be ridiculous," says the person who, if the lived in the future like us, would disbelieve in eyeglasses that, when I lose them, my phone tells me where they are.

  8. Your phone does that?
    *Frowns at his own phone, and throws it against the wall*
