
To your left (volume two)


I've been delinquent on this project, but I can't let the whole week go by without an entry. So today: only one, the sole blogger confirmed in 2000, Silly Marie.

Silly Marie's Middle Drive
    And here we meet the first blogger whose precise year of corporeality confirmation is uncertain. I mention it for her only, but she is not the only one. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

    Silly is the wife of Brother Brass--my wife's brother. And we like her a lot. I mean, a lot a lot. Like, what the heck is she doing in Texas? That's a long ways away! She should come to California! And if she wanted to, she bring along that husband of hers as well.

    She started blogging just over a year ago and it's been good times ever since. Of all the posts I've ever read from anyone, I probably think of this one the most. Although I'm still a little leary of that new background color. I don't think it will last past too many new baby diapers, to be frank.

    But otherwise, all hail Celia, the Silly Marie.

Volume One, 1990 - 1999


  1. I'm fairly certain we met in 2000. Yes. Positive. And I wouldn't have guessed that

    1. you hate my background color, and
    2. that post sticks in your mind. I'm glad. That saying goes through my mind almost every week.

    It's all good. Maybe I'll redo my background color after the baby...

  2. .

    I love your blog and I'm glad you have it. It's nice to stay close to you guys. Or at least you.....

  3. Hurray for Silly! I love reading her blog and wish I could be as much as a diva in the kitchen as she is. Alas, someday.
