
The Big O - K


A couple weeks ago when the Big O saw this video he told us that that song made him feel good about going to kindergarten. (I suspect that's not just because of what the song says but also because of the pivotal role Napoleon Dynamite has played in his upbringing.)

Since then he had gone from ambivalent-at-best to a growing excitement. And although as he stood in line today he showed a bit of trepidation, he only waved when I showed up. No breaking from line. He's ready to go to school

One more year of school is nothing to me. To him --- each year is huge. I can already feel the years slipping by with increasing rapidity.

Ah, dear Mortality. Here she comes again.


  1. Exciting day! I hope it stays that exciting for him for a long time.

  2. .

    Well. I'm not sure it can ever compare the excitement attached to his original plan of attending Baseball School.

  3. Trepidation? hmmm..... I guess you are right, though I didn't really sense that at he time. I felt a little bit abandoned by him. I had to ask for a hug before he ran off to stand in line with his classmates. I also think that he was really excited to talk to his teacher some more. And maybe even tell her about Baseball School.

    (word ver: nappas We sure could use a bunch of those right now)
