
Brilliant new bit of spam that I just love. Every detail is so right.


William Brown william-brown89@msn.com
reply-to williambrown_3811@hotmail.com
date Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 1:12 PM
subject ATTENTION:

Hello Dear,

I am Sir William , a United States Citizen working here in England, my proposition to you is both business and humanitarian based, humanitarian in that we shall be securing the future of a teenage girl, 13 yrs of age,and business in that you and i will be getting a financial reward of 6Million Pounds just by helping the teenage girl secure a quality education and investment abroad . I believe we can handle it together, once we have a common understanding and mutual cooperation in the execution of the modalities. I work with a financial institution here and will provide you more information when i hear from you.

Should you be interested,I await your earliest response.

Yours Sincerely,
Sir William Brown.


  1. It just keeps getting better as you read it.

  2. .

    I know. And ending with SIR was just the perfect touch.
