
A Missionary Mystery: calling all archivists


My aunt recently found an old piece of paper in an old book and thought it might be an artifact from my father’s mission. My father said no, certainly not. The artifact—a schedule of events for missionaries undergoing training in Salt Lake City—did talk about missionaries leaving for the field on trains which was still true in 1970 (barely) but the training lasted a week and by the time he arrived, training had been trimmed to a mere three days. Here are the outside and inside of the program:

(see them L A R G E)

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It seems likely that the program was collected by one of my grandparents at the beginning of their mission. I believe the North State address would have been the same address for both of them and for my father. Based on the slightly anemic and poorly sourced information on Wikipedia (I added the complaint about the quality of citation last night), I believe this Mission Home was open from 1925 through 1971. My grandfather began his mission October 1928 and my grandmother sometime in 1939.

One remarkable thing about this program is how . . . timeless it is. There is really an absense of identifiable information.

The ink stands above the paper and is easy to feel with your fingertips with our knowledge we cannot determine whether it was letterpressed or offset or what.

Anyway. That’s about all we know. Can you help solve this mystery? Are we in 1928, 1939, or other?

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