
Coast Guard Day's just a couple weeks away


In the old days, when people read blogs and people associated Coast Guard Day with celebrating Theric by showering him with gifts, I would sometimes post cheeky wishlists here on Thutopia. But then Obama ruined everything by becoming president and causing people to associated Coast Guard Day with HIS birthday rather than mine.

Thanks, Obama.

Anyway, for meatworld reasons, I have put some thought into what might delight me this year.


I just learned midcenturty scifi writer Ray Nelson lives on my street and I would like to read one of his novels. These two are most attractive:

Really, books that are out of print and which I am unlikely to just bump into on my own are great options. Like this one, the inspiration for childhood favorite Condorman

or something from Zenna Henderson whom I only just learned about and am much intrigued by. I honestly don't know which of her books I should start with, but probably one of the story collections featuring The People.

Which isn't to say I'm opposed to in-print books. Kingdom of Nauvoo and Let Me Tell You are both sitting in my Bookshop shopping cart right now, which reminds me of Bookshop.

Considering buying books there rather than Amazon. Their used selection's still lagging behind, but Kingdom of Nauvoo and Let Me Tell You are certainly available. And Bezos doesn't need our money.

On average, books on my wishlist are more exciting if I added them more recently---prose/poetry, comics---but exceptions abound.

Lady Steed and I recently listened to the first half of Dolly Parton's America and it made us sad that we don't own any dolly. But is it better to start listening to Dolly via her songs or via her albums? We don't know.

And for the gift that keeps on giving, I've always wanted a Believer subscription. Just sayin'.

And, on the off chance you don't want me to just sit and consume media, I'd like to get more into fermentation and this crock's my path, I'm certain.

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