I began the Rejected Books series as a way to write about books I could not finish because they were driving me bananas. These are not books I could casually lay aside; these were books that demanded being written about but did not qualify for Five Books at a Time because I could not finish them. Would not finish them. Sometimes should not finish them.
It's a short series. Most books I don't finish it's because there was nothing to say about them anyway and I didn't care enough to complete my read before, say, the library demanded them back.
But sometimes I may not ever finish a book that I didn't dislike. And, thanks to Tim Parks, I no longer think that's a personal failing. In fact, I hope to not finish many more books in the future.
And so, from here on out, the sobriquet Rejected Books will be for books I actively despised. And Unfinished Books will be for books I did not choose to finish, but still wish to talk a bit about.
The first of which will be Ibid.: A Life in Footnotes (actually endnotes, but the protag has three legs so footnotes is funnier).
Ibid is also constrained writing, this time consisting only of the endnotes to a lost biography. Another charming idea. This time about a hundred pages too long.
I haven't picked Ibid up in months and when I tried last night, and read a couple pages, I realized that as much as I have enjoyed the journey and the puzzles and the gimmicks and the cyphers, I was done. I did not believe the book could offer me anything greater than what it already had. It had been joyful and blithe and now it was over.
I will not finish Ibid.
But that is no reason you should not pick it up. It's a dandy read and you are certain to enjoy yourself.
Who knows?
You may even finish it.
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