Over the last couple days I've read the Gospel of Thomas. I've heard of it of course---since being rediscovered it's become the headliner of new old Christian texts. Although 114 chapters long, it is quite short. It tells no story. Each chapter is one saying of Jesus, most of which do not appear in Matthew or Mark or Luke or John. Some of these I share with you now.
I tell you these things that you might be troubled and perplexed. I tell you these things that you might know that Jesus who made his listeners feel I felt as I read these confusing and challenging sayings. I do not share these things you might feel comfortable with the Jesus who has been explained away over two thousand years of explaining.
Chapter 7
1 Jesus said: "Blessed us the lion which the person eats---and the lion becomes a person. And cursed is the person whom the lion eats---and the lion becomes a person."
Chapter 67
1 Jesus said: "Whoever knows all, if she still needs herself, she still needs all."
Chapter 70
1 Jesus said: "When you give birth to the one within you, that one will save you. If you do not have that one within you, that one will kill you."
Chapter 80
1 Jesus said: "Whoever has known the world has found the body. And whoever has found the body, the world is no longer worthy of that person."
Chapter 87
1 Jesus said: "Damn the body that depends on a body; and damn the soul that depends on these two."
Chapter 98
1 Jesus said: "The realm of the Father is compared to someone who wanted to kill a powerful man. He drew his sword in his house. He stabbed the wall in order to see whether his hand might hold steady. Then he killed the powerful man."
Chapter 105
1 Jesus said: "Whoever knows mother and father will be called the child of a whore!"
Chapter 109
1 Jesus said: "The realm compares to a man who had in his field a hidden treasure, but he was unaware of it. And after his death, he left it to his son. The son was also unaware of the treasure. He took the field and sold it. The one who bought the field went plowing and found the treasure. 2 He began to lend money at interest to those he loved."
Chapter 114
1 Simon Peter said to them: "Let Mary leave us, for women do not deserve life." 2 Jesus said: "Look! I will lead her so that I might make her male, which will make her into a living spirit resembling you males. 3 For any woman that makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."