
Congratulations to all you byuckers!


It has only just now come to my attention that BYU is the fittest school in America.

Good for you (meaning those Cougars who stop by Tehachapiltdownman).

When I was in Provo, I was deliriously unfit. My last year I had to cram in all sorts of physed classes to graduate. So I suppose it is good I'm gone, else perhaps you would not now be the toast of Men's Health.

Here are my thoughts on exercise:

It will only kill you faster (note especially the knees).

It is generally unpleasant.

It is something to do only to do it with no benefits outside the doing of it (catch that?).

It is addictive.

I don't much like it.


  1. Maybe if you exercised regularly you wouldn't need to take out your agression on your poor defenseless students.

  2. I am SO WITH YOU! I hate to excersize, I think I may be very closely related to the sloth...

    I can't figure out for the life of me how or why I keep ending up on the elliptical machine everyday at the gym.... how do I even get there?
