I think maybe I'll start introducing these posts as they tend to be long and then you won't have to scroll down if you're not so inclined.
This time I'm reviewing a book about the Fighting Parson and his wife and how they reopened the road to upstate New York for Mormons everywhere, Garry Wills's parsing of Jesus's message (unlike me, he leaves off the s on s-terminating names), a crappy comic, a classic (and excellent Mormon novel) and one of the few scary books for children that actually gots the stuff.
085) A Lion and a Lamb
- This book has a lot of typos, some amateurish touches, is obviously written by a family member, forgets some of its original theses as it goes along.
In 1915, Willard and Rebecca Bean were called to leave their Utah home and move to New York, to live in the home Joseph Smith grew up in and make some friends. Which was tough. The people of Palmyra hated the Mormons and weren't shy to show it.
Lucky Willard was a champion boxer.
But, in pure Almaic fashion, his weekly preaching won over way more people than a couple knocked noggins ever did. By the end of their quarter century in New York, they were among the most respected and beloved citizens of their town and the Church was well on its way to the Hill Cumorah Pageant and a Palymra Temple.
The tale is a lovely and kind look at a lovely and kind couple. (And don't pay the $90 dollars you'll be asked to at Amazon. The publisher has a much better offer.)
Thanks, Mom and Dad. Good Coast Guard Day present.
just over a month
084) What Jesus Meant
- Loved this book. And since Willis has written a couple sequels (What the Gospels Meant
My first Garry Wills book, Certain Trumpets
Wills, at that time, was best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning Lincoln at Gettysburg
But I saw What Jesus Meant on remainder and picked it up (foreward title: "Christ Not a Christian) and loved it immediately.
Intriguing start. Cheap price. I bought the book.
As a Mormon aside, yes, there are doctrinal points I disagree with Wills about, but in fact these are very few. Mostly I found his book enlightening, inspiring and instructive. I learned things. Plus its short and fun and a good read. I recommend it to anyone.
So which Wills book do I want to read next? Why I Am a Catholic
Buy your own copy. (It's cheap.)
And then as you read, ask yourself: How Christian am I? Jesus gave with no expectation of return. When was the last time I had someone over for dinner that could never possibly feed me back? There's a Christian goal I could obtain. So why does it seem so hard?
The books posits many opportunities for reflection, self examination, and worship. Because, when you and Garry Wills are gathered in his name, he will be there. I suspect. I might be pushing it, but probably not.
I'll stop talking now.....
just under a month
083) The Lost Ones
- So Mr Niles writes the script and different artists draw different portions of the story in different styles. Intriguing idea.
Too bad it sucked.
I mean: really really sucked.
a day
082) Dorian
- I think I just had a Jane Austen experience.
You know how Jane Austen fans just swoon over her antiquated but perfect prose and clever characters and still-real situations?
So before I get too slobbery, I'm going to talk about what I didn't like about this book.
Like Added Upon, Dorian could get a bit preachy. Usually this was done via the longwinded but much beloved Uncle Zed. There were moments it went on a little long, but it was never as bad as in Added Upon or, say, Victor Hugo's rhapsodies about the Parisian sewer system.
I hate hate HATE the word "drugged." The book would have been vastly better without it. Thank goodness it only appeared once in the entire volume.
I could write a paper about the three deaths (four, really, or five --- depends how you count --- if you include the ones that occur offscreen, but I wasn't too enthralled with the final one. I can say much positive about it as a storytelling choice, but in the end it may have been just too easy.
And that's about it for dislikes. There are other elements I might not be able to stand in a modern novel, but it's like listening to foreign pop music: Clichés I would detest in American music become delightful if sung in French or Javanese. (Have you noticed this?) Dorian dates to 1921. It's charming.
Some things not directly related to my liking the book but that were fascinating all the same:
- how the Sabbath was observed by Mormons in 1921
rural attitudes to education in 1921
vestigial class structure in 1921 Mormon society
et cetera
The title character is a big country boy who lives with his widowed mother and has a penchant for books. If you were ever sent to town to buy some decent shoes and came home with David Copperfield instead, this book is for you.
The first death shocked me. Horrified me! In fact, I was shocked and horrified many times. But these shocks and horrors felt so true, so honest, so lifelike that I only felt more deeply for the characters. I love these characters. Dorian and I don't have an awful lot in common, but I think highly of him as a person and would love to meet him. And he's so well drawn it feels more like "Too bad he must be dead by now" than "Too bad he never actually existed."
I don't have easy access to other Anderson books, but I'll be keeping my eyes open.
And, in the meantime, I'm returning Dorian to the Berkeley Ward Library. It'll be waiting for you.
about a month
081) If You Want to Scare Yourself
- I don't know who's to blame for this volume's remarkably ugly cover (beyond all people in children's publishing back in 1989), but I really thought this book would be a waste of time. I picked it up off a sidewalk because I was about to see a kid I though might like it, but he rejected it straight out. So it's been in the Lapper since then. Until this afternoon, rather, when the Big O and I got in it to move it to the driveway. He saw it and wanted it and I said, okay, sure, whatever, and we started reading it; I read, holding the book with one hand while batting or pitching with the other hand.
And what a wonderful surprise awaited within! First of all, the interior illustrations were pretty darn great--actually creepy, which was a surprise. In fact, the text itself was creepy, which never happens in collections of "scary" stories for kids. (Maybe because this is a German book?) There were moments of genuine eeriness even for me.
The werewolf story in particular really grabbed the Big O.
He's been interested in scary stories for a while, but this is the first one that really worked for him. I hope that doesn't mean he'll end up in our bed tonight....
So! Recommended! And available for practically free plus shipping!
(Incidentally, this is the first "long" book the O and I have finished in quite a while. In part because even though he likes it, he's not that thrilled about Mr. Popper's Penguins
about three hours
080) Madman Gargantua
079) Star Wars
078) Angel Falling Softly
077) The Night Listener
076) Of Mice and Men
075) Added Upon
074) The Last Flower
073) Reinventing Comics: How Imagination and Technology Are Revolutionizing an Art Form
072) The Trial of Colonel Sweeto and Other Stories
071) The Dreamer
070) The Blot by Tom Neely, finished August 6
069) Strange Stories for Strange Kids
068) Survival Rates
067) A Week in October
066) Lehi in the Desert & The World of the Jaredites
065) A Son Is Forever
064) Good ol' Snoopy
063) Embroideries
062) A Doré Treasury
061) Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death
060) The Enoch Letters
059) Sock Monkey: The Inches Incident
058) The Number 73304-23-4153-6-96-8
057) Chicken with Plums
056) 300
055) Fox Bunny Funny
054) Where Did I Leave My Glasses?: The What, When, and Why of Normal Memory Loss
053) The Mystery Guest
052) The Legend of Spud Murphy
051) Good Bones and Simple Murders
050) Created in Darkness by Troubled Americans: The Best of McSweeney's, Humor Category
049) Bikeman
048) Fool Moon
047) The Invention of Hugo Cabret
046) Sixty Poems
045) Replay
044) The Age of the Conglomerates: A Novel of the Future
043) W;t
042) Halo and Sprocket Volume 1: Welcome to Humanity
041) Storm Front
040) 20th Century Ghosts
039) I Am the President of Ice Cream by Geoff Sebesta, finished May 4
038) On Chesil Beach
037) The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary
036) The Drifting Classroom Vol. 1
035) The Complete Peanuts 1965 - 1966
034) Nextwave: Agents Of H.A.T.E Volume 1: This Is What They Want
033) Batman: Hush, Vol. 2
032) Batman: Hush, Vol. 1
031) Chéri
030) Wyrd Sisters
029) Animal Farm
028) Macbeth
027) On the Road to Heaven
026) The Great American Citizenship Quiz: Can You Pass Your Own Country's Citizenship Test?
025) Long After Dark
024) The Lies of Locke Lamora
023) Robot Dreams
022) The Complete Peanuts 1963-1964
021) Spoon River Anthology
020) Unorthodox Practices
019) Happy Hour at Casa Dracula
018) A War of Gifts: An Ender Story
017) Watership Down
016) Old Boy Volume One
015) Case Histories
014) Ultimate Spider-Man: Ultimate Collection, Vol. 1
013) Trusting Jesus
012) Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall
011) Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife
010) The Lovely Bones
009) American Born Chinese
008) Zombification: Stories from National Public Radio
007) Marriage Lines: Notes of a Student Husband
006) Northanger Abbey
005) The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
004) Lord of the Flies
003) Rising Sun
002) The Marketing of Sister B
001) Animal Farm
The First Five ( 001 / 005 )
The Second Five ( 005 / 010 )
The Third Five ( 011 / 015 )
The Fourth Five ( 016 / 020 )
The Fifth Five ( 021 / 025 )
The Sixth Five ( 026 / 030 )
The Seventh Five ( 031 / 035 )
The Eighth Five ( 036 / 040 )
The Ninth Five ( 041 / 045 )
The Tenth Five ( 046 / 050)
The Eleventh Five ( 051 / 055)
The Twelfth Five ( 056 / 060)
The Thirteenth Five ( 061 / 065)
The Fourteenth Five ( 066 / 070)
The Fifteenth Five ( 071 / 075)
The Sixteenth Five ( 076 / 080)
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