[Dumb old Amazon. I even uploaded a picture of the Downy Duck cover
065) How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy
- I respect Orson Scott Card as a writer and as a person and although I didn't ask for this book, when En-her-gy Girl lent it to me along with this other one
So close this book and get back to work.
two weeks give or take
064) Downy Duck Grows Up
- We picked this nugget up at a library sale and I spent the last week reading it to the Big O. It was good. Just check this out:
one week
063) Humans
- Recession Cone and I are reading these books simultaneously and he calls them "silly." I get his point. This one was "sillier" than the last. And I had some complaints. But overall I like these books. What other books have lines like this:
...after all, although she'd traveled to another universe, she was still in the same time zone.
five days
062) Hominids
- I'm having a difficult time explaining to myself exactly why I liked this book as much as I did. But I certainly did like it a lot.
I first heard of these books during a bout of Wikipedia surfing. I read about the trilogy and was intrigued by the description of Neanderthal culture and the fact that this volume took home a Hugo. I wasn't about to run out to Barnes & Nobel and pick up a copy, but I added it to my mental list.
Fast forward three months and I'm accepting donations for my classroom library and in comes all three volumes of The Neanderthal Parallax
I was worried at first. In the book's second sentence we are introduced to a "statuesque" scientist and I though, hoo boy, here we go, bring on the litany of hoary cliches. But happily, the scientist's statuesqueness served a role as foil for another character and, in fact, one thing I like so much about this book is its avoidance of cliche.
Briefly, the story is about a Neanderthal scientist--a quantum-physics guy--from a parallel version of Earth where they rose to prominence and we died out. Due to a lab accident (whoops!) he finds himself in Canada. Geographically, he was always in Canada, but "Canada" doesn't exists in Neanderland. Anyway, he is the alien in this story but instead of being zooed or dissected or (etc), he's treated as an adult and fellow scientist by our scientists. Once everyone learns to speak with one another, that is.
I didn't know Sawyer from Adam (so to speak) last week, but now I've learned what a big deal he is and that his work often deals with religious issues, and I have to say, this is (intentionally or not) one of the most persuasive atheist tracts I've ever read. See, I totally believe in the existence of Neanderthals in a parallel world now and, since they don't understand even the concept of God and since I cannot believe in a God who would abandon an entire world of people, my mind is spitting up error messages right now.
The storytelling is excellent. He's not a stylist on the order of, say, Orson Scott Card
fourish days
061) Making Comics
- I held off buying this book for a year as I waited for Scott's 50 States Tour to bring him to Berkeley. Then I realized that was dumb and that it made more sense to read the book before I met him so I could ask interesting questions. So I bought it the day before he showed up and read, oh, five/ten pages. Ah well.
Anyway, the book's great. I love comics and if I was a better person, I'ld learn how to draw better. But it's much too late for that.
If you want a taste of this book, you might read Chapter 5½ on webcomics which is online, as webcomics--makes sense--are easier to webcomic.
As usual, Scott's deconstruction and reconstruction of basic obvious stuff is topnotch. I reread Understanding Comics
That's all I really have to say about this today -- You just have to read some Scott McCloud. Now you just need to pick which one of the three to start with.
one month and two days
060) Tales of the Black Widowers
059) The Pearl
058) The Dog Is Not a Toy: House Rule #4
057) Brother Brigham
056) The Foundation Trilogy: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation
055) Ode To Kirihito
054) Polygamy Was Better Than Monotony
053) Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
052) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
051) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
050) The Ruins
049) Favorite Stories
048) Criss Cross
047) Flight Volume Three
046) Nobody Is Perfick
045) First Paragraphs: Inspired Openings for Writers and Readers
044) The Universe in a Nutshell
043) Dune
042) The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels
041) The Roald Dahl Omnibus
040) Troll: A Love Story
039) The End
038) The Complete Peanuts 1961-1962
037) The Penultimate Peril
036) The Grim Grotto
035) The Eyre Affair
034) Neverwhere
033) Chip Kidd: Book One: Work: 1986-2006
032) Jane Eyre
031) The Complete Peanuts 1959-1960
030) Devils & Demons
029) Talk Talk Talk: Decoding the Mysteries of Speech
028) Einstein's Dreams
027) The Long Chalkboard: and Other Stories
026) Babbitt
025) Frank
024) The Complete Concrete
023) The Rumpelstiltskin Problem
022) Bridge to Terabithia
021) Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
020) A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
019) Batman: Gothic
018) Wild at Heart
017) Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
016) 50 Professional Scenes for Student Actors: A Collection of Short 2 Person Scenes
015) Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair
014) Frindle
013) Brain Wave
012) The Best American Comics 2006
011) Everything Is Illuminated
010) The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ edited by Mormon and Moroni, finished February 7
009) Lisey's Story
008) The Maltese Falcon
007) Empire
006) Stargirl
005) Vile Bodies
004) Superman Adventures Vol. 1: Up, Up and Away!
003) A Walk in the Woods
002) Understanding Comics
001) Galápagos
- Read about
The Second Five (006 - 010)
The Third Five (011 - 015)
The Fourth Five (016 - 020)
The Fifth Five (021 - 025)
The Sixth Five (026 - 030)
The Seventh Five (031 - 035)
The Eighth Five (036 - 040)
The Ninth Five (041 - 045)
The Tenth Five (046 - 050)
The Eleventh Five (051 - 055)
The Twelfth Five (061 - 060)
hmmm... I'm still looking for a satisfying way to blog about books. this year, my tactic to to just post a list in December.
ReplyDeleteI like this way, but few people actually read it. Which wasn't part of my goal, really.
Ah, you read Scott McCloud. I'm no artist, but I like some of his ideas. We should discuss a different version of the 24 hour comic for ourselves. A 24 hour short story? I'm not one for gimmicks, but maybe in the interest of exercise?
ReplyDeleteI've found that many a "gimmick" results in something usable.
And although I can't draw that well, I've always wanted to do a 24hr comic anyway.