
To your left (volume seven)


So we invited Petra over for dinner tonight, as part of her conversion to the Cult of Northern California, and she was--you'll all be glad to hear--very polite and becoming.


Anyway, we confirmed her corporeality and fed her Mutant Tomato Pizza. Which was GOOD, dagnabit, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Also: she proved herself to be a person of exquisite taste and discrimination by borrowing a bunch of our books. That's a sure way to get on our good side. Unless you leave them in the bathroom and they sustain serious water damage.


I'm looking at you, Nemesis.

....bleeding librarians....

Anyway, we trust Petra will prove to be much more responsible than that.

And she was an excellent, if belated, start to our 2007 corporeality-confirmation schedule.

Who else do you know that spends her spare time judging Indonesian transvestite contests?


  1. What is with reading borrowed books in the bathroom? Now, I can understand in the tub - which is why one buys used paperbacks. But when a friend of mine borrowed a beloved Calvin & Hobbs collection and I later found it by the POTTY (I kid you not) I though I would swoon. Now, I know it may have a bit to do with my own various compulsive neuroses. But honestly, folks, the Potty? I ask you.

  2. Yay!! I met Petra, too. I like her very much.

  3. .

    I should also note that one of the nicest ways to confirm someone's corporeality is for them to do all dishes when you turn your back.

  4. Ha ha! I only did the dishes so you would say nice things about me on your blog. And it worked! Suckers!

  5. Wait, what? Did I do that? I didn't do that!!!!
