

Reading a Very Small Book, 2004

One of my favorite painters is Brian Kershisnik. I was still in Provo when the MOA got their paws on a huge Sleeping Musicians (there are multiple versions of the painting). And in an astonishing show of good taste, the Ensign has started using his paintings to illustrate stories and just to show off good art by Mormons (two of my favorites may be seen here).

Anyway, Kershisnik doesn't associate with any particular "school" and I think that is part of the reason I like him. His stuff is always immediately recognizable. And I love the balance between sobriety and fancy--the stuff of important dreams.

    In a sense more profound than I can say, I don't know what I am doing. When people learn that I am a painter and ask me what I paint, I have difficulty answering. Usually the inquiries are seeking only the short answer and must be embarrassed or annoyed at my stumbles and what must look like attempts to conceal something. I, acknowledged only to myself that I was just stalling for the arrival of a clearer understanding until the reality of my authentic ignorance finally became clear to me....

    My current conclusion as to what I paint is that I don't know and I'm trying to be more at peace with that awkward reality. I do not mean by this that I think I am a bad painter, I am in fact, one of my favorite painters. No one's artwork moves me as often to tears or laughter, insight and revelation, ecstatic discovery, and joyful or fearful views of the truth as does my own.
I think I would like this man.

(visit him)


  1. This is the first I've heard of him. After visiting his site my favorites are: the "just doing this" series and the burning gift. Cool Stuff.

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  3. I like the painting. I confess, I originally thought "Kershisnik" was an onomatopoeia, and I was pretty excited by it.

  4. .

    Isn't it a great name, though?

  5. I found Brian Kershisnik through Guild.com, having no idea he was a Utahn. (Then I saw he'd exhibitioned at the Springville Art Museum, and I got suspicious.)

    My favorite of his is "Love with Banners."

  6. .

    Besides a cutout on my to-be wife's fridge, Springville was also where I first saw him. It was one of his flying instruction paintings, which paintings are among my favorites.
