
New tag


I haven't really started tagging posts on Thmusings because it seems dishonest. Dishonest because adding tags to old posts now cannot precisely represent my thoughts on said post then. But to just start in the present and ignore the past is even worse! Egad! So, to date, my only tag has been for the thvlogs.

Today that changes. Today I tagged all the five-books-of posts. It seems like a good idea. So I'm doing it.

But my blog is intended to provide an honest representation of the past. So this post serves as notice that I am rewriting history. In a very mild way.

Be advised.

(new label)


  1. Why do you assume that tags have to "represent your thoughts on a said post at a specific time"? Most people I know use them to class posts that they want grouped together, not to quantify the ineffable.

  2. .

    I don't see them as different.

    Say I want to add a tag, mm, art--which is a fairly popular one. Which blogs qualify? My judgment of this moment will define what 'art' is for the present and all the past while the future meaning of art (as defined by application to posts that earn the tag) will be in constant flux as I continue to live.

    This, I think, is why Vonnegut (in Cat's Cradle) said one should never index one's own book.

    Leave it to the professionals.
